Reclaim the Flames

The old feminine collective wounds are ready to be turned into power to create a new world collectively. Begin to step into your fullest feminine power and expression in this powerful course. Below is a channeled transmission about this time.

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Reclaim the Flames
One time

Get anytime access to the powerful, Reiki charged, multigenerational ancestral Reclamation of the energy trapped in repressing our power in the feminine wounds. This activation, transmutation, daily alignment meditation, and other resources will help you identify where these wounds hold you back in your life today, and initiate you into a path of transmuting these ancestral wounds to free up energy to create consciously using Melissa's multi-modality Odyssey Method.

✓ 2 week Course
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Printables

What you’ll get

  • Activation to help you locate your feminine wounds in the body, allowing you to see where these particular wounds are holding you back.

  • Reclaim the Flames Workbook with articles, journaling prompts, and information about alchemy and integration. Return here as needed!

  • Ceremony to purify and transmute these wounds in your present life and ancestral line! A glorious dance through etheric flames. Feel free to do this on the full moon monthly.

What’s inside


Audio activation to help you locate your feminine wounds in the body, allowing you to see where these particular wounds are holding you back.


Reclaim the Flames Workbook with articles, journaling prompts, and information about alchemy and integration. Return here as needed!


Ceremony to purify and transmute these wounds in your present life and ancestral line! A glorious dance through etheric flames. Feel free to do this on the full moon monthly.