The Road to St. George

Imagine your suburban middle-aged soccer dad neighbor telling you over the fence, "I had a Vision telling me to go to India!"

You might internally scoff with derision, thinking he's insane, or you may freeze in fear of what crazy thing he's gonna say next. Your eyebrow may rise in a giant dose of humor and skepticism seasoned with nasty assumptions about his mental health. I used to do the same thing when a person talked about a calling or a vision.

We've watered down these once-sacred terms to mean a vocation and a habit of looking toward and planning for the future. A Calling was once a very sacred thing, an inner compass or divine voice that led you on a path to your Purpose. This life work was held sacred and part of the creation of harmony in the world.

A Vision was a gift, a peek into the Divine mind, some sacred message delivered to a mere mortal through an extraordinary, esoteric dreamlike image that carried the emotional weight of heavy significance. This otherworldly experience was imbued with an absolute knowing that this is significant and must not be ignored.

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The Hidden Self and Inner Saboteur