Love Flows Down Giclée Print


6x8” gallery quality print of the lower third of the Love Flows Down original painting. Prints have a large border, suitable for framing. All the codes… a seed of the future to plant in the fertile soil of your subconscious.

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6x8” gallery quality print of the lower third of the Love Flows Down original painting. Prints have a large border, suitable for framing. All the codes… a seed of the future to plant in the fertile soil of your subconscious.

6x8” gallery quality print of the lower third of the Love Flows Down original painting. Prints have a large border, suitable for framing. All the codes… a seed of the future to plant in the fertile soil of your subconscious.

This has been a work of many years, many meditations, many soul lessons, and many journeys into remote places to bring forth. This painting contains a balancing of the masculine and feminine, a new relationship template, new codes for human evolution, and a history of imbalanced polarities. Non-duality birthing Homo Sanctus, and in her womb, even more potential for evolution and expansion. Indeed, she is already creating our next form in her womb, as the eggs of our earthly mother were already in her ovaries when she was in our grandmother's womb. What this painting holds may, in fact, continue to unfold before our eyes as we remember our Mother Gaia.

You see dark and light feminine energy flowing in her pleasure and her pain. She opens to both, because she knows that life energy restricted only brings imbalance and disease. She brings codes for consuming and being nourished by the sunlight, for breathing energy, for existing in harmony with all things. She contains more than even I know.

I have shown this painting to many in photos, and while I have no idea of ever selling the original, I have been asked to sell it many times. And you? You are welcome to reach out and let me know how it transforms you as it did me. This is what I was born to do... to birth divine keys, codes, and inspiration into form and present it to the Collective as a gift from Source. I am a Conduit, and all are reborn with me, as I rebirth myself.

Love Flows Down Multimedia Painting