
Pink, glossy leaves spread wide,

holding juicy, wet puddles

of desire and longing.

Liquid release and relief vibrate

round the proud, tall tower of

fruity blooms, a seductive symphony.

Subtle vocabulary, written for avian eyes

and winged things. Waves of frequency,

felt vibration, deep in human flesh.

The fluorescent orange lance 

of tiny swollen flowers, bursting,

holds a perfect inflorescence.

Bold bracts, neon veins and valleys,

breathing and trembling, are

moats of clear, pure, liquid love.

A safe pool for wanting,

for bees and bright birds,

sated by this magenta world.

Beachy invitations, unseen innuendo, and

salt waves teasing… all reaching 

for this glowy temple of melting bliss.

Brutal black boulders and stinging sand,

volcanic, heated, pink flames engulf, and

All is One in me.


Pygmalion’s Advice


Reclaiming the Flames