Reclaiming the Flames

O​nce upon a time...

Two of my female ancestors, 11th and 12th antecedents, died in Salem Village, Massachusetts in 1692. These women were a bit too shiny and happy and prosperous and ended up being tried and hung as witches, and I can tell you, my body remembers. ​

Spoken word Performance of this channelled transmission, Reclaiming the Flames.

There came a time, in the great Cosmic turning, when the human connection to the Earth's truest Consciousness was overtaken by an overbalancing of the Solar energies. The feminine was hidden and repressed. Women forgot how to walk in their Knowing and in their Power. As time went by, when a woman remembered, when she was too bright and too happy, when she had learned to trust her body's guidance and her heart and honored the natural cycles of her Great Mother Earth, and her Sister Luna, when she knew to harness love and plants to heal and to whole, she was often dragged down, brought low, and humbled through persecution.

The Light Bearers were accused by their sisters, eaten away with envy for the seemingly magical way these Shining Ones who still remembered their Mother prospered and found joy and stability through their internal compass of Knowing. Women who wakened to the potent, sacred, fecund, and fertile energy their wombs held were hanged, burned, and drowned, by aroused men, frightened at the way their virile strength and force melted in the face of that Embodiment of Power. Fear overtook us, and as those Ancient Ones called to serve as Wisdom Keepers, as Wise Women, as Midwives and Mystics, Oracles and embodied Feminine Divines, we remember. We remember that to shine too bright invited pain, exclusion, torture, and abandonment.

Our DNA bears the memory. Every cell screams it out when we feel Seen and Recognized. We see the evidence of contracts with our soul family to keep us small, to keep us dimmed, not realizing these contracts were made out of love. We wanted to stay hidden until the time was ripe, until Gaia was awakened and reborn, so that we did not incur more of this trauma and pain, lifetime after lifetime. This time is upon us, for we are living in this Ripening, in this Turning. We are healing this wound, we wombkeepers, in our own wombs and in our own hearts, and clearing these contracts, made out of love, to keep us from getting slaughtered for shining too brightly.

We are burning again, but this time it is with JOY! We bathe ourselves with etheric multidimensional flames. We are throwing ourselves into the alchemical flames of Divine Union, of Divine Love, of Divine Will, of Grace to purify and transmute this pain and trauma, for it is the Time to be the Golden Shining Ones once again. Remember Yourself, Remember your Truth, your Potential, your Calling, your Fullness. Remember that you are the Embodiment of the Divine, walking on the face of the Earth, blessing her with every footstep, in a Sacred Body Temple of Beauty.




Clawing my Way out of the Grave