Peace From the Inside Out

June 2024 Astrology Overview

Peace seems impossible in the world, currently. We watch as the Middle East is again at war, there is more polarity and division in the US than we have seen since the 1960’s, and fear hovers in the periphery of every echo chamber on social media. Since our inner worlds hold the same cosmos that move nations, you are likely dealing with conflicts in much more personal ways. Anger and resentment are rising to the surface, and it’s so uncomfortable. This can be beneficial if we view it as a symptom of imbalances within, rather than a firm reality. Repressed and ignored resentments grow and turn to poison creating much more dangerous eruptions in the future, which we’re seeing all over our globe. Inwardly, it manifests perhaps as disease in the body, familial patterns, or self-sabotage. As these old conflicts and disagreements emerge, we have an opportunity to address or even solve them. The key to creating peace from conflict lies in how you address it. Can we work together to solve problems, or have we so demonized our opponents that we can't see their shared humanity and common interests anymore? Allow yourself to stand in the shoes of even your enemies, and see through their eyes. Attunement is a new buzzword, but it’s a skill we can all develop to shift conflict to harmony.

For some help: Attuned by Hübl

We can do little about large global conflicts between nations, but we CAN plant seeds of peace in ourselves, in our relationships, and in our communities. This month will give us that opportunity.

I’ve been experimenting with the idea that I cannot alone change my experience of reality, no matter how much I do the inner work, because I co-create reality with all of you. We share that job. I can, however, measurably change my experience of day to day life through cultivating wholeness and harmony within. That wholeness can be found on many paths. I don’t want to evangelize my choices, by any means. I honor the unique path of every soul, and would not interfere with that sacred journey. For myself, the pursuit of this inner harmony of polarities, compassion for self, devotion to my connection to the Divine, and recognition that many things are just stories in my psyche that can be edited or even completely rewritten has changed my life from chaos and victimhood to aligned, juicy aliveness. It may seem trite and simplistic, like Pollyanna, but the proof is in the pudding. I am one of the happiest people I know. I have changed the way I handle life’s challenges, continuing to build resiliency and capacity for joy. I do that through Jungian Shadow Work, Reiki, prayer, and somatic work. I don’t think it matters HOW we do this, only that we make the courageous leap to not look away and distract ourselves because it is uncomfortable, or even painful.

6/2 We'll begin to understand (or at least to spot) the underlying belief structures that have been holding us back which allow for easier forward movement. You may notice that you have begun to move out of patterns of self-sabotage and into grounded balanced changes. A review of how far you've come, how easy it is to behave differently now, and how your old limitations are becoming a distant memory will give you the necessary context. Celebrate yourself, you deserve it! Set your alarm early for tomorrow. The planets will all be lined up in the same area of the sky before the sun rises!

6/3 You may have noticed that old conflicts have been cropping up in your mind. Perhaps you've been having strong discussions with people in your imagination. Think of it as purging strong emotions so that you can have similar discussions in the future without the heat of anger or bitterness! Journal and make some lists to get clarity on which shifts are necessary in relationship dynamics, even with yourself. Examine boundaries. Give this some consistent time and effort so that you'll be more able to say exactly what you need to say, calmly and logically, with a large dose of goodwill. This investment of time and effort will bear good fruit later in June.

6/4 There will be a general rebelliousness centered around authority. Lean into the wisdom of your ancestors and elders to mediate or perhaps guide the feeling of revolution within. It's a good time to pay off debts, to fulfill obligations, and to right ancient wrongs. Review investments and spending without surrendering to anxiety or catastrophizing. Be open to creating new innovative ways to negotiate more balance, harmony, and peace. Can you create space in yourself for goodwill and the healing of polarities? Your opponent may, deep down, want the same things you do. Allow your attitudes around relationships to mature: aim for a little less excitement and impulsivity and more commitment and consistency. Nurturing healthy connections is a wise investment in YOUR well-being.

6/9 Today, you can start having those hard conversations, after all that work going through and synthesizing your feelings and thoughts earlier in the month. Wisdom will reward you for waiting till after this date!

6/14 Today is good for contemplating and clarifying truths versus illusions. There is a dampening influence on the tendency to shoot first and talk later. Take some time to open yourself to new perspectives that create more harmony.

6/17 Sweetness and grace will soothe and deepen the new dynamics you've negotiated earlier in the month. Harmony has a chance to bloom in this time and through June, if you've done the inner work since late May. Enjoy home and tend your nest with intention. Watch your behaviors for any manipulation of others to get what you need to feel safe and loved. Use your new skills to replace those old strategies to speak your feelings and authentically ask for what you need.

6/29 Another chance to take off those rose-colored glasses. You may be surprised at the inner ease created by allowing yourself to be ok with what IS in your relationships instead of trying to force things into something that conforms to your desire.

Create peace internally, and see if it blooms in the world around you. If you frame this as an experiment instead of some woo woo BS, trial and error, or even a scientific observation, maybe it’ll change your experience of reality, too, little by little. There are many organizations studying this very thing and publishing about it. So while you could say it’s mumbo jumbo or wishful thinking, it’s still effective.

While it is easy, and very human, to feel helpless and at the mercy of our circumstances, a great deal of wellbeing and happiness depends on consciously choosing the new lens we use to view those circumstances. This is the heart of mindfulness.

-Melissa Naiad


This is an expanded version of my column in The Black River Times

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