Change for the Better


This article was published in the May 2024 Black River Times

May has some echoes of the rebellion and rapid change that is instigated by Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. We're more willing to take action this month, to be decisive and take that first step because of Mars in Aries. He's kind of having free reign in his own house, but not really in conversation with many other planets this month, though Mercury is hanging out in his house, too, so... watch out for difficult conversations and language that cuts. On the 19th, Mars reaches the place where the eclipse occurred in April and he'll activate it fairly strongly. You'll be putting focus and action into the changes that were initiated then. In contrast, Venus is also in her own house with many other planets. She'll be bringing a strong influence over the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that's been affecting our lives.

The key to navigating this month in your personal life is to figure out what house Taurus occupies in your own natal chart. There will be rapid change, surprise, and a big overturn of the status quo in this portion of your life. If you're a Capricorn rising, for example, you'll want to be aware of the increased likelihood of pregnancy (so use that information to give that a better chance or to prevent it as you desire). All this change will lead to a good outcome that benefits you, so you'll get the best outcome and feel the least amount of discomfort by greeting change with anticipation instead of fear.

To find out what whole sign house is your rising sign, you'll need to know your birth time, date, and place. You'll go to, enter your birth information and hit the green button. At the top of the screen you'll see your sun, moon, and ascendant. The sign of your ascendant is your first house and each sign counter-clockwise is a new house.

On May 7 we'll have a new moon in Taurus and then the next day, Luna activates the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction again. Expect themes around quick expansion, rapid change, and rebellious motivations. Moon, Sun, and Venus keep hitting this big, transformative conjunction in turn, so expect more rapid change in emotions, inner landscape, in action and direction, and in relationships and what creates beauty and harmony in our lives and our world. Imagine you're sending different parts of your life in turn through a time machine. May 18 will be an active day for protests, both personal and collective.

May 13, is a day for clarity, as Mercury exits its shadow. You'll have a good chance of creating clarity through conversations, perhaps with a surprisingly good outcome.

On May 14, at 12:30 your local time, EXACTLY, take some time to change and begin new things around career and reputation. Perhaps redo your LinkedIn profile, apply for a new job, start a side hustle, overhaul your website's aesthetics (or hire someone to do it at this time), you could shop for a new career wardrobe. Innovate here. Think outside the box, and look forward into the future, not to the past and what worked before.

May 14, Mercury is in Taurus, this will bring more harmony, grace, and balance to communication. It will also create more conversations about Nature, relationships, partnership, commerce, and abundance. You'll find your mind having less conflict internally, more cohesive direction and harmony in your thought life.

May 18, this is a really buoyant, full energy. A lot of stuff will be happening at once. This will be a LOT of good stuff, it may be a really fun day. Luck and chance meetings. Put yourself in a place where there will be plenty of people so you maximize your chances of meeting people.

May 19, Mars/NN conjunction... sleep late this day, and check your smoke detectors. This is a Mars eclipse of sorts and will speak to your eclipse themes from last month, and over the last year. Stay out of online comment sections, don't hang out in situations that are prone to conflict or disagreement. Ask yourself what you really need, and whether you're willing to disrupt what is in your life NOW to attain what you truly desire under all the fears and cant’s. Your temper may be quick to be triggered. This is a good time to muster the courage you need to leave situations that aren't good for you.

On May 31, you have Mercury aspecting Uranus again. This theme of massive change is pretty constant this month. Don't tense up, and don't assume you know what will change! Ride the wave, let it happen. It will end up so good for you.


Peace From the Inside Out


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