A More Beautiful World is Possible

March 2024 General Forecast

This is an expanded version of a short article being published in the March edition of the Black River Times

More and more in conversation, I hear a longing and hunger for a deep sense of meaning. There is a longing for a meaningful life that isn't rooted in institution or duty, but instead in personal expression. This new hunger for Purpose is forward-thinking, visionary, and idealistic. It centers around the idea that each of us carries certain gifts, talents, and genius that allow us to have a unique impact that not only helps our World in some way but also feels good to the self. People long for a vision of something so different and beautiful it calls to our Higher Self, and we desire a unique role in that shift toward beauty that feels good to carry out. We're moving toward individuation instead of conformity and giving away our power to others.

I have been diving into these ideas of reimagining the future by reading a lot of Charles Eisenstein. The last couple of years, I’ve attended a festival hosted by Fit for Service designed around the ideas in Eisenstein’s book, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible (you can get it here). Eisenstein is a visionary who sees all of what is broken and unsustainable in our world, not just from an ecological standpoint, but from a human standpoint. There is no fluff or hiding his eyes from the truth of what is. He reveals it in such a clear, unfiltered way that there are times I think, no wonder we try to look away and distract ourselves from this. He speaks about the Story of Control, in the Age of Separation we are leaving behind, and the Story of Interbeing, in the Age of Reunion that is being born. He writes, on page 234:

“Working on the level of story has two dimensions. First is to disrupt the old, which says, ‘What you thought was real is just an illusion.’ Second, is to offer the new, which says, ‘The possible, and the real, are much grander than you knew.’ The first, we experience as crisis and breakdown. The second, we experience as miraculous. That’s what a miracle is: not the intercession of an external divinity in worldly affairs that violates the laws of physics, but something that is impossible fromwithin an old Story of the World and possible from a new one.”

Full Moon Eclipse in Libra

We have a lunar eclipse on March 25th in Libra near the South Node that will help us find this deeper sense of meaning in life, this More Beautiful World. The themes around the eclipse are centered around a future vision of this harmonious future, higher purpose, the metaphorical "city on a hill" in the distance that we're aiming for. As Venus moves from Aquarius into Pisces on the 11th and Mars follows her on the 22nd, we'll feel a subtle shift in how we're building that sense of harmony, connection, and purpose in our lives. When these two share a sign, it's a chance to create inner and outer reconciliation in one way or another that moves us to support our dreams with rightly aligned and effective action. The eclipse will help us make space in our lives for those newly framed visions and the action steps to make them a reality, and you're going to feel this inevitable shift leading up to the eclipse. You may already be feeling it.

A note on eclipses:

Change is difficult for all of us, but change is inevitable. It's vitally necessary and beneficial. There will be fated exits, transformations, and new paths to explore. Our best strategy in times of great change and transformation is to let go of our white-knuckled resistance and ride the wave in a way that creates anticipation instead of fear. It takes mastery to release the idea that you must do your best to stop inevitable change to protect yourself. Resistance to what is causes massive pain and discomfort and is a waste of your precious life and energy and health. Instead, use the movement of what is happening right now to navigate shifts and changes in ways that are beneficial to us and open up new possibilities.

Overview for Each Sign (Ascendant, Sun, Moon)

Note: I link to my own products but also use affiliate links, unless noted otherwise.

ARIES: Relationships (perhaps, but not necessarily romantic) are the central focus here. Transformations that bring clarity about codependent or manipulative dynamics. There may be partings or breakups, but these may invite more support from your tribe or community. These shifts are more likely to be external but may be entirely internal. The theme is to let go of the fear of loss. Open your hands and let love breathe and move freely.

Book Recommendation for Aries: OSHO This one helped me redefine love

TAURUS: Check the balance in your habits and routines: is your energy being placed where it benefits your bigger goals and priorities? Take some time to consciously create routines that bring more health to your body, mind, spirit, and relationships. Analyze your time and energy: what matters most and is your life honoring your values and long-term vision? Be rational about what is sabotaging progress and let it go. The eclipse will force your hand, otherwise.

Book Recommendation for Taurus: Balance Journal

GEMINI: Inner child work is on the docket for this month. Think about what nourishes and creates joy in the most vulnerable parts of you. What is your relationship to pleasure? Are your addictions (to substances, work, your cell phone, etc.) crutches to help you avoid the inner work of feeling and healing early pains? Or, are you depriving yourself of simple, wholesome goodness like sunshine and sleep? Stop distracting and nourish what matters.

Recommendation: Magnesium Cream for Sleep

CANCER: Deep transformation in roots, home, and the role of your parents in your life and psyche. More likely internal and emotional. Seek help from a professional, if necessary, but just sitting with figuring out what in you is authentic and what is programmed from childhood is a good start. Are your learned survival techniques helping you or holding you back? Perhaps it's time to learn and cultivate something new...

Recommendation: Naiad Lineage Oil

LEO: There may be a transformation in your communication and connection with siblings, or your immediate neighborhood. The "marketing" of what you have to offer the world is subject to transformation here. Think about starting a business or side hustle. Later in the month, what needs reconciliation within and around you? Self-compassion and forgiveness are important.

Read The Four Agreements

VIRGO: Transformation in confidence and self-worth. You are inherently valuable and worthy. Allow others to help you instead of over-giving. Ask for help. Maybe ask for a raise. Learn to receive! Declutter everything (Marie Kondo) to open up space to receive. Later in the month, opportunities for new or deeper relationships but... this depends on how much space you make earlier in the month!

Not that you Virgos need help organizing but… Marie Kondo’s book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

LIBRA: big transformation of personal identity and self-concept toward more authenticity. Open up to it and make time to grieve and honor the old you, but take a beat to celebrate the changes you're making. This move into deeper authenticity could magnetize new harmonious and reciprocal relationships (maybe falling in love). Restructuring your life around these shifts later in the month could take place. Use that planner!

I use the Magic of I planner (no affiliation)

SCORPIO: Fated, deep transformation of any toxic or obsessive relationship dynamics. Let go of judgment or controlling behavior or trying to get the Other to stay or be what you need. Release attachment to how people show up in your life. What if they're already doing their best? Instead, reclaim your devotion to self, become whole, and step out of codependent dynamics. This inner work can attract new fun and romance and perhaps a destined meeting later in March.

Recommendation: Letting Go by David R. Hawkins

SAGITTARIUS: your transformation has to do with reputation and community, let go of people pleasing or over-investment. This is a time to notice reciprocity. Perhaps a whole network needs to go. Be open to new connections that may bring opportunities for business or networking endeavors in your community. Go to networking events. Work on nesting at the end of the month. Public vs. Private dynamic.

Check out the Transition Network

CAPRICORN: deep transformation in attitudes around work. Let go of proving yourself or "showing" your parents by either living up to or rebelling against their expectations. This is a great time to apply for a new job that feels more aligned with your authentic self. Maybe apply for a new job, perhaps even in a new place. Alternately, new client group at work and more focus on work/life balance. You are not your job and your job is not your life.

Try this alarm clock designed to give you time away from your phone, I love mine: The Loftie

AQUARIUS: leaving behind or transforming old belief systems and inner stories. These inner stories around belonging, worth, loveability, and possibility can shift relationships, self-concept, persona, possibilities in wealth and opportunity. You'll be cultivating confidence and gaining wisdom from these shifts in sub-conscious belief structures. Learn to fill your cup first, and pour only from a full cup. Watch how it shifts reality.

Recommendation: connect with me and get some coaching, this goes for other signs, too!

PISCES: Letting go of deep, primal fears and the behaviors they create. Noticing and having curiosity about triggers. Why do you respond this way? Releasing conflicts and patterns around getting validation and value from others. Depth work is in order. There is a shift in a partner's wealth or passive income. Later in the month, refresh your look, or how you present yourself, and use the momentum of that energy to make shifts and changes in your life. New look, new you. Try The Sage


The Degree dilemma


Pygmalion’s Advice