Free Your Mind

April 2023

April is a very eventful month this year! We have many dominant and significant transits that will create opportunities for change in our lives. Here, we're focusing on Mercury Retrograde (4/1-4/26), Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (4/8), and the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus (4/20,21). We'll begin to see and defend the weak spots in our boundaries, experience reversals and reviews of the past, and ideally create innovative eccentric ways to address them and create more purpose in grounded, practical ways. I keep hearing that lyric, "Free your mind, and the rest will follow..."

We're being asked to look back, reassess, and take new tactics, to be innovative and creative, moving with purpose, and to rebel against the way we've been told things should be. Is it beneficial for the individual and the collective? Is it reciprocal and equitable? Let's experiment and dream up some new ways of being and doing in the world.

General Overview for Rising and Sun Signs

Aries: you're going to want to burn it all down and start over, but take a beat. Don't rush ahead until you reassess to see how you have grown, especially in value and self-worth. Your concept of what is possible may change, and expand to bring more money and more confidence to take opportunities. Go hard, but don't be impulsive

Confidence Playlist on Spotify

Taurus: take the position of observer of your own life. Curiously watch the patterns that repeat and the symptoms of what you can't see (about yourself) as what sabotages you from your unconscious mind reveals itself. Then you can make new, innovative steps in the direction of your dreams. Speaking of dreams, pay attention to their message.

Use this Journal and this pen (so you never have to turn on the light) to record your dreams (with my original painting)

Gemini: there may be some jealousy or issues around your reputation this month showing you who is truly supportive and beneficial to you and who is not. Cultivate a circle of friends who elevate you. It may feel like you're lucky once you shift toward your people, but don't forget to be grateful. You're not doing it alone, you're being supported in unseen ways.

Reclaim the Flames may be helpful

Cancer: new seeds are sown through disturbances in your public-facing life: career and reputation. It may be a time to change jobs or positions. You may find luck and help from a new unusual, quirky, even eccentric new benefactor. Be open to new opportunities that come your way and look to blue sky and unexplored territory as your goals and plans shift.

Blue Ocean Strategy for Life and Growth

Leo: big transformation of your perspectives and philosophies. Let your mind be blown, and keep it open. Studying, reading, travel, and new spiritual endeavors are on the docket. Let inspiration and insight carry you into new fields of thought. Research, question, rebel against the status quo, and learn to think in maybes.

Try this book: Untethered Soul or work with Me

Virgo: Learn to be open to synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) and experiment with following them into experiences that lie just beyond your point of view. Do things you've never done before. Go to a new place of worship, meeting, class, or lecture. You will discover a new significant relationship (not necessarily romantic) that will assist you over the threshold of a deeper, more engaging life.

Try Meetup

Libra: you will have people come back into your life to review and clear up past issues. You may experience more anxiety or fear about things that seem almost magical or other-worldly, but don't let that carry you away. Lean into mindful practices like meditation, prayer, or tapping to regain calm. Then take practical steps toward what is real and grounded, like consistency and commitment that create safe intimacy.

Scorpio: You may start a new job. You'll be seeing things coming to fruition at the full moon that were begun long ago. A new, unusual, and unique person may appear in your life or an old relationship may make a return. They'll inspire new purpose, creativity, and innovation. Communicate authentically and clearly to prevent misunderstandings and begin new routines and habits for health and productivity.

Sagittarius: this month will be full of fun challenges for you, because you love change and adventure! Focus on passions, pleasure, creativity, romance, and fun. Perhaps you'll resurrect an old special interest or ex-love. Things may shift and expand in work and habits and health, but your response to these challenges should be compassionate, playful, and simple. Let yourself be eccentric and youthful.

Capricorn: you may need to move your "nest", get a new job, make new friends... there may be delays and discomforts. You don't like change, so turn your home into a safe, peaceful, comforting place. Deepen your roots and address structural imbalances. But, have faith that any change or surprise will benefit you in the end, so try to be creative and let things play out.

Try this simple Feng Shui guide

Aquarius: clean up lines of communication with siblings and neighbors. Things will change the fishbowl in which you swim, so do what you can to keep it clean. Some things will shift and reverse, be flexible and creative to keep the environment healthy. You may need to review basic skills and make trips down memory lane. Think "editing" and move forward toward wide-open spaces and emotional freedom.

Pisces: Review your budget. If things get tight, look to your community. Seek out assistance and opportunities from your network. There may be organizations, workshops, or groups that can help in ways you don't even know about. These new relationships formed through networking will bring opportunity, optimism, and breakthroughs.


Change for the Better


The Degree dilemma